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استخدم منظفًا خفيفًا فقط. لمنع تغير اللون، أضف الماء والمنظف أولاً.

قدر الإمكان، قم بتجفيف الملاءات وأغطية الألحفة.

قم بتخزين الفراش مطويًا بشكل مسطح في مكان جاف وجيد التهوية وبعيدًا عن أشعة الشمس المباشرة.
Why Choose Elysian Paisley?
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1x Fitted Sheet
Only for You
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إليسيان بيزلي
استمتع بالجمال الكلاسيكي لمجموعة إليسيان بيزلي، وهي مجموعة مفروشات فاخرة تضفي أناقة لا تتأثر بمرور الزمن. يتميز هذا الفراش بأنماط بيزلي معقدة تذكرنا بالمنسوجات الفارسية، مما يرفع من ديكور غرفة نومك بلمسة من سحر العالم القديم. مصنوع من قطن الجاكار بكثافة 300 خيط، يوفر Elysian Paisley راحة ونعومة لا مثيل لها، مما يضمن نومًا مريحًا أثناء الليل.
ناعم وقابل للتنفس: نسيج الساتان الفاخر والنسيج خفيف الوزن يبقيك منتعشًا ويضمن نومًا مريحًا. سهل الصيانة: سهل جدًا الغسيل والكي. قم برميها في الآلة، ثم قم بتدويرها في المجفف وقم بكيها للحصول على ملمس منتعش. تضمن المادة المضادة للحساسية السلامة والنظافة لعائلتك. فاخرة وبسيطة: تمتزج ملاءاتنا البيضاء الصلبة مع أي غرفة نوم حديثة وتمنح منزلك شعورًا بفندق 5 نجوم. متينة وتدوم طويلاً: تدوم أطقم السرير عالية الجودة الخاصة بنا لفترة طويلة دون التعرض لخطر الانكماش أو ارتخاء الغزل. خالية من الروائح: يتم تعبئة ملاءاتنا في عبوة مقاومة للرائحة حتى تتمكن من الاستمتاع بها وهي طازجة.
Curious to learn more about our الفراش?
Bingo! Check out our manual here.
Within UAE:
Free delivery on orders above AED 250
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Return Policy:
استخدم منظفًا خفيفًا فقط. لمنع تغير اللون، أضف الماء والمنظف أولاً.
قدر الإمكان، قم بتجفيف الملاءات وأغطية الألحفة.
قم بتخزين الفراش مطويًا بشكل مسطح في مكان جاف وجيد التهوية وبعيدًا عن أشعة الشمس المباشرة.
Please note, our 100% pure cotton bedding may initially feel a bit stiff. Expect optimal softness after 2-3 washes for a more comfortable sleeping experience.
I really love it! Especially during hot summer your bed feels like a silk.
We really like the quality of bed sheet and towel . There is a shining and fabric is very good.
Well worth it
We loved the quality out of the box. Haven't tried it on yet but it feels very soft and silky, and has a nice thickness to it. Can't wait to try it. The colour Pastel Pink is more like a pastel salmon. Very nice.
Very happy with my purchase of Single XL Giza Cotton Combo!
Very happy with my purchase, very soft and comfy, I am re-ordering another set.
At first I really had doubts. I chose rose color and on different pictures it looked differently but I absolutely love it. High quality cotton feels silky at first I thought it’s polyester but it’s definitely 100% cotton. Ordered one more set in sage green and so excited to receive it!
It was excellent 👌🏻 the fabric and fit of the product was very good.. I plan to buy some more of the same 👍would give ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
We loved the quality out of the box. Haven't tried it on yet but it feels very soft and silky, and has a nice thickness to it. Can't wait to try it. The colour Pastel Pink is more like a pastel salmon. Very nice.
the best highly recommend
Hi Lolowa,
Thank you for your glowing review of our Giza Cotton Classic Combo! We are thrilled that you consider it the best and highly recommend it. It means a lot to us that you are satisfied with your purchase. We hope to continue providing you with top-notch products in the future. Have a great day!
Hi Rowena,
We're thrilled to hear that you're enjoying the comfort of our Giza Cotton Classic Combo! Thank you for taking the time to share your positive experience. We hope it continues to bring you comfort and satisfaction. Have a great day!
Hi Maha! Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We're so glad to hear that you are enjoying the softness and comfort of our Giza Cotton Classic Combo. We appreciate your support and are happy to hear that you will be re-ordering another set. Let us know if there's anything else we can assist you with. Thanks again!
At first I really had doubts. I chose rose color and on different pictures it looked differently but I absolutely love it. High quality cotton feels silky at first I thought it’s polyester but it’s definitely 100% cotton. Ordered one more set in sage green and so excited to receive it!
Hello Luliia! Thank you for taking the time to leave a review for our Giza Cotton Classic Combo. We are so happy to hear that you love the rose color and that the cotton feels silky and high quality. We assure you that our product is indeed 100% cotton. We hope you enjoy your sage green set just as much. Have a lovely day!