Salonika Printed Fabrics FW/2018 Volume 2

As we are near to our new year celebration our designer are very keen to tap the ideas of bringing colors to the life, we at Shabbir and Shoaib Textiles L.L.C, a manufacturing company which supplying wholesale printed fabrics under its Trademark name "Salonika" for many years, we supplying fabrics to retailers, manufacturers and Jobbers to make their designer linens based on our Salonika Fabrics, thus we feel great responsibility towards creating and identifying upcoming trends in home textiles.
The idea of having perfect sheet based on quality consistency and design development, this season we tend to works on geometrical patterns along with nature.
Our designers create patterns which belong to the new era of digitalization. Please have a look at these designs below.
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Upside Triangles
Criss Cross Flowers:
Please Visit our Shop page for entire 2018 Collection... Click here
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