Don't strain because of Stains.

Your mattress will soon be good as new!
When it comes to bedding, bed sheets and mattresses, one thing is for sure. There is no way that a stain can be avoided forever. And with the new premium one side printed bed sheets in the market now, one can’t simply flip the sheet over. Even if you could flip over the sheet, how many flips do you have??
So, we thought that it would be good that we let you know about some tips and tricks that will ensure you are able to get rid of maximum stains from your bed sheets and especially mattresses. However, before we begin we must say that the best way is to add a mattress topper and then a mattress protector. For now let us discuss how to remove stains from your bed sheets, and once we are done with that, we can move on to protective measures for the future.
First of all it’s always best to remove a stain as soon as you see it. We all have a habit of leaving a minor stain to clean it on laundry day, but the problem is by then the stain has already set and become quite difficult to remove from your bed sheet. As soon as you see the stain, start rinsing that affected part of your bed sheet with cold water (warm water is a no no).
If the stain does not fully go away within 10 minutes of rinsing, it’s time to call the big shots. Create a paste from 1 part baking soda and 2 parts water. Apply it to the stained area, and once it is dry you can use a brush to get it off. Know that the next wash is to be from cold water and do not let your bed sheet dry in heat.
If the stain has already dried, then the best approach is to re-hydrate it by soaking the sheet in water for about 6 to 8 hours and then repeating the previously discussed process.
However, when it comes to stains made by oil-based products, the approach is to use hot water along with copious amounts of detergent.
Now, let’s talk about saving your mattress, the best way to clean out most stains is to mix up washing liquid with twice the water, then spraying it on the stain and letting it sit. After 5-10 minutes, use a cloth to wipe it off. Repeating the process will ensure that stain will at least get lighter if it’s not gone.
But here is the best part, keeping in mind that stains are inevitable, the best way is to have a mattress protector. Getting an online mattress protector will not only save you from all these troubles but if you get it from La’Marvel, it will also be waterproof, that is most of your stains won’t make it below one layer!
You can always procure the best mattress protector online from here at La’Marvel, as it’s not only exquisite to touch but also has a quilted design that will simply take your breath away.
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